Creating A Mindfulness Practice & Why It's Good For Us

"Mindfulness" is a term thrown around all over these days, but what is it, really? In this class, we'll learn more about it, why it's so good for us, what it can do, and how it's helpful to combat anxiety, stress, depression, and our awareness in general. We'll see different ways it can be practiced, allowing us to find our own practice that works for us.

Attendees will learn: What "mindfulness" truly is and how to create a practice that works for them.
About this speaker: Melaney Wolf is a yoga, mindfulness, & meditation teacher in NYC.
Provider's Education: 200-hr Registered Yoga Teacher, Master Mindfulness Practitioner
Provider's Experience: 4 years of teaching yoga, pranayama, meditation, and mindfuless, as well as my own experience with the benefits of a pranayama practice.
Speaker Topic:
Financial Wellness
Mental Health
Celebrity or Keynote
Working From Home
Humorous, Funny
Building Awareness For:
Heart Health (February)
Black History (February)
Women's History (February)
Financial Literacy (April)
National Volunteer (April)
Brain Tumor Awareness (May)
Mental Health Awareness (May)
National Stroke Awareness (May)
American Asian & Pacific Islanders Heritage Month (May)
Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness (June)
Workplace Safety (June)
LGBTQ/Pride (June)
Sarcoma Awareness (July)
National Yoga (September)
Hispanic Heritage Month (September)
Breast Cancer Awareness (October)
National Arts & Humanities (October)
Indigenous Peoples' Day (October)
National Disability Employment Awareness (October)
Movember - Men's Health (November)
Native American Heritage Day (November)
Other Critera:
Available as Webinar
Recording is OK
Available as In-Person Event
Available Nationwide
Willing to Travel
Offered in Spanish
Offered in other languages
For Call Centers
Especially for Men
Especially for Women
HRA/VEBA eligible
For 3rd Shift
For Retreats
Duration of event (in hour increments): 1.5 hours
Equipment buyer needs to provide: None
Equipment provided by vendor: None
Post event tools included: PDF overview and follow-up of the event.
Includes pre-event consultation: If desired