Healthy aging is not something we achieve. The process of capturing the best of ourselves as we grow older is manifested in the choices we make and the priorities we set for ourselves. This presentation is designed with you in mind and the keys to healthy aging are available to us all - IF we learn the principles and apply them to our own individual circumstances and lives. Living longer is not a goal BUT living longer with all we want to do is definitely worth the effort!
Attendees Will Learn
-Physical principles
-Mental principles
-Spiritual principles
About This Speaker
With more than 25 years of professional experience in the health and fitness industry, Nick is one of the nation’s leading experts from the personal training arena on the subject of healthy aging. He has worked with thousands of clients during his two decades as a trainer, and although they have ranged in age from 14 to 95, his focus has remained on teaching the principles of healthy aging for everyone who wants to become happy, healthy and fit.
Education and Experience
- Professional ACE health coach
- Personal Trainer
- Author
- Speaker