Ergonomics in the Workplace

This presentation will engage the audience to learn about ergonomics and how to get comfortable sitting or standing, the power of taking breaks, what to do during a break and how often to take them. They will learn how to unwind the new addiction of sitting and find better body mechanics while using smart devices. This talk is also available in San Francisco, CA.

Attendees Will Learn

-How to get comfortable sitting or standing at your desk
-Specifics on optimizing desk, monitor and chair setup
-To create an ideal break system
-Unwind from the position of sitting
-Habits for using smart devices,
-Exercises to do while sitting or standing at the work station.

About This Speaker

Jaimi is a business coach, fitness and wellness expert, and motivational speaker. Jaimi's life mission is to promote healing on a global scale and help people achieve their potential by empowering them mentally, physically and spiritually. She knows first hand the risk of entrepreneurship, the challenges being a leader has, and the importance of work life balance.

Education and Experience

  • Business consultant and life coach
  • Voted top entrepreneur in United States in 2012.
  • Founder and CEO of a multimillion dollar company
  • Presented to: NIAC, Pivot Leadership Conference, Mindbody Bold


I think it went well. I liked her energy, she’s funny too which I love.

Speaker Topic:
Financial Wellness
Mental Health
Celebrity or Keynote
Working From Home
Humorous, Funny
Other Critera:
Available as Webinar
Recording is OK
Available as In-Person Event
Available Nationwide
Willing to Travel
Offered in Spanish
Offered in other languages
For Call Centers
Especially for Men
Especially for Women
HRA/VEBA eligible
For 3rd Shift
For Retreats
Duration of event (in hour increments): 60 minutes
Equipment buyer needs to provide: equipment for powerpoint (projector, cables, mic, etc. if possible)
Equipment provided by vendor: n/a
Post event tools included: handouts
Includes pre-event consultation: If desired