Massage Geeks specializes in medical/orthopedic massage, but we also excel at providing relaxation and relief to stressed and achy muscles! Reward your team with a chair massage event. It is WAY better than pizza! Massage Geeks provides chair massage at offices and conventions/events throughout the Atlanta area.
Provider's Education:
Georgia Licensed and Insured Masssage Therapist
Provider's Experience:
5+ years
Categories that apply:
Health Fairs
Building Awareness For:
Heart Health (February)
Black History (February)
Women's History (February)
Financial Literacy (April)
National Volunteer (April)
Brain Tumor Awareness (May)
Mental Health Awareness (May)
National Stroke Awareness (May)
American Asian & Pacific Islanders Heritage Month (May)
Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness (June)
Workplace Safety (June)
LGBTQ/Pride (June)
Sarcoma Awareness (July)
National Yoga (September)
Hispanic Heritage Month (September)
Breast Cancer Awareness (October)
National Arts & Humanities (October)
Indigenous Peoples' Day (October)
National Disability Employment Awareness (October)
Movember - Men's Health (November)
Native American Heritage Day (November)
Other Critera:
Available as Webinar
Recording is OK
Available as In-Person Event
Available Nationwide
Willing to Travel
Offered in Spanish
Offered in other languages
For Call Centers
Especially for Men
Especially for Women
HRA/VEBA eligible
For 3rd Shift
For Retreats
Duration of event (in hour increments):
2 hour minimum
Equipment buyer needs to provide:
8x8 space; access to water
Equipment provided by vendor:
Massage chair; cleaning supplies; waiver
Includes pre-event consultation:
If desired