2023 Food and Fitness Challenge

This 4-week wellness series will challenge you and your team to kick off 2022 with a bang!

Week 1: Yearly goal-setting workshop for desired food, fitness and mindset goals you want to accomplish in 2023!

Week 2: 40min HIIT (high intensity interval training) workout all levels welcome, no equipment required

Week 3: Meal Planning and Nutrition Workshop - 5 Ways to simplify meals in 2022

Week 4: 20min HIIT workout and 30min challenge wrap-up. Come away with a personalized Q1 wellness plan. all levels, no equipment needed.

Please book each session separately. Each week can be booked as a stand-alone workshop or workout as well!

Attendees will learn: How to prioritize wellness and self-care, how to set realistic health goals and break them down into weekly habits, why to incorporate high intensity workouts into your weekly routine
Provider's Education: Certified in Eating Psychology, Certified Transformational Workshop Facilitator, Certified Personal Trainer
Provider's Experience: Tessie is a former top-10 ranked collegiate cheerleader, bodybuilding champion, and crossfit competitor. She's worked with hundreds of clients helping them improve their food and fitness habits, without going into a diet or restrictive approach
Reviews of this provider: “We really enjoyed having Tessie speak to our team about nutrition and wellness. Everyone really enjoyed her presentation and learned a lot of information! We will definitely be working with Tessie again!” - Molly Gonzalez, Lead Associate: Labor and Employment, Bank of America, “Tessie offers realistic, manageable changes that have helped my eating become more mindful, and my workouts become more consistent!” Angela Munger-Rivera, Associate Director of Academic Advising for Student-Athletes, University of Southern California
Event Type:
Other Critera:
Available as Webinar
Recording is OK
Available as In-Person Event
Available Nationwide
Willing to Travel
Offered in Spanish
Offered in other languages
For Call Centers
Especially for Men
Especially for Women
HRA/VEBA eligible
For 3rd Shift
For Retreats
Duration of event (in hour increments): 1 hour
Equipment buyer needs to provide: none
Equipment provided by vendor: worksheets and replays
Post event tools included: worksheets and replays
Includes pre-event consultation: Yes
Link to a sample video of event or provider: https://youtu.be/eIZ0PQ4DgzU