3 Mindset Shifts Required to Reclaim Your Sleep

How does a busy person overcome chronic insomnia? Most likely your audience spends a great deal of time & energy thinking about sleep, and wonders why it's such a struggle.

Since 2012 Kali has helped busy professionals learn to sleep better and improve their energy, with less effort & more ease.

Attendees will learn: - 3 common ways of thinking that can make occasional sleep challenges worse - How these belief systems lead to behaviors that result in chronic sleep-sabotage - How to start shifting these habitual mindsets to cultivate a more realistic relationship with self & sleep - Specific, actionable steps to change beliefs & behaviors so that sleep comes without working so hard
About this speaker: Kali Patrick is a Sleep Wellness Coach who helps clients learn to prioritize rest in the context of their busy work lives. She especially has success with people who have a hard time falling or staying asleep because of stress & anxious thoughts. Kali climbed the corporate ladder in the hi-tech field of User Experience Design, where she eventually experienced symptoms of burnout, including chronic insomnia. She now helps professionals be successful AND maintain a healthy mind-body.
Provider's Education: M.S.
Provider's Experience: - CSSC (Certified Sleep Science Coach) - CHWC, CPC (Certified Health & Wellness coach, Certified Personal Coach - Wellcoaches) - Certified Mind-body Eating / Eating Psychology coach - Therapeutic yoga & meditation teacher
Reviews of this provider: "Kali did a great job, participants were pleased with the session!" FROM CLIENT: Kali's presentations have been great! Very much enjoyed having her as part of our Global Well-being month.
Speaker Topic:
Financial Wellness
Mental Health
Celebrity or Keynote
Working From Home
Humorous, Funny
Other Critera:
Available as Webinar
Recording is OK
Available as In-Person Event
Available Nationwide
Willing to Travel
Offered in Spanish
Offered in other languages
For Call Centers
Especially for Men
Especially for Women
HRA/VEBA eligible
For 3rd Shift
For Retreats
Duration of event (in hour increments): 1 hour
Equipment buyer needs to provide: n/a
Equipment provided by vendor: n/a
Post event tools included: n/a
Includes pre-event consultation: If desired
Link to a sample video of event or provider: https://tv.garten.co/programs/sleep-shifts