A Happier YOU: Work Habits to Enhance Performance & Well-Being

Struggling to find some joy in your life at work? Why does it sometimes seem so hard to be happy? We all want to be happy at work. When you’re happy, it radiates from within and rubs off on the world. Happiness has powerful effects on our day-to-day lives. Happy people are more productive, more satisfied and they live longer. But how do you get there? With a little bit of help and inspiration, it’s both possible and delightful to turn on the faucet of joy, humor, love, hope and compassion at work. Everyone’s talking about well-being at work, but no one’s telling you how to do it.

This session will tell you all that. Attend and learn the real, tangible, and practical ways that you can apply immediately to get on the highway to true happiness at work. Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed and frustrated or just want to increase your happiness, you can learn how in just a few minutes a day!

Attendees will learn: -Learn new ideas for boosting your own attitude -Discuss ways to increase productivity at work -Understand how Positive Psychology and Social-Emotional Intelligence impacts your performance and organizational health
About this speaker: Devin is a captivating speaker, author, and culture expert. He helps leaders drive growth and engagement by aligning workplace culture with success. With 20 years of experience in conflict resolution, generational differences, and culture change, he is the author of 20 books and has spoken in over 15 countries. Devin lives in San Diego, CA with his wife, four daughters and two rescue dogs.
Provider's Education: MS
Provider's Experience: Devin’s experience working on employee engagement strategy, evolving corporate cultures, talent management, and diversity & Inclusion brings a unique perspective in helping his clients plan for positive growth and evolution. His approach which draws from the science of positive psychology, positive organizational research, appreciative inquiry, neuroscience, mindset and mindfulness. As a result, clients receive the cutting edge in research on well-being and flourishing.
Reviews of this provider: "The workshop went well. Devin was great!"
Speaker Topic:
Financial Wellness
Mental Health
Celebrity or Keynote
Working From Home
Humorous, Funny
Building Awareness For:
Heart Health (February)
Black History (February)
Women's History (February)
Financial Literacy (April)
National Volunteer (April)
Brain Tumor Awareness (May)
Mental Health Awareness (May)
National Stroke Awareness (May)
American Asian & Pacific Islanders Heritage Month (May)
Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness (June)
Workplace Safety (June)
LGBTQ/Pride (June)
Sarcoma Awareness (July)
National Yoga (September)
Hispanic Heritage Month (September)
Breast Cancer Awareness (October)
National Arts & Humanities (October)
Indigenous Peoples' Day (October)
National Disability Employment Awareness (October)
Movember - Men's Health (November)
Native American Heritage Day (November)
Other Critera:
Available as Webinar
Recording is OK
Available as In-Person Event
Available Nationwide
Willing to Travel
Offered in Spanish
Offered in other languages
For Call Centers
Especially for Men
Especially for Women
HRA/VEBA eligible
For 3rd Shift
For Retreats
Duration of event (in hour increments): 60-75 minutes
Equipment buyer needs to provide: N/A
Equipment provided by vendor: N/A
Post event tools included: N/A
Includes pre-event consultation: Yes
Link to a sample video of event or provider: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aq3W93vsV_g