Flexibility is a key tenet to any fitness program. Any goals you are looking to achieve need flexibility as a priority. Tight muscles inhibit movement and prevent muscles from firing properly. In this hour-long class you will learn proper foam rolling, different stretching techniques, injury prevention and how flexibility can improve muscle activation and results.
Video Sample
Attendees will Learn
-How to prevent muscle inhibition
-Proper Foam Rolling
-The most useful stretches for office workers
About this Speaker
In 2010, Marita became a NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) Certified Personal Trainer. At the time, she was competing as an Amateur Boxer, however, while passionate about being active and competing in sports, fitness was not and is not her passion. Sure, fitness has helped her be a better athlete and more functional. However, Marita's true passion is health and she recognize fitness as being a huge component of that. As a fitness trainer Marita is certified to work with clients who are asymptomatic, but as a medical exercise specialist she can also work with clients who are symptomatic. It is Marita's belief, that with better health we can move mountains, build bridges and break ground. Fitness is about health, good health is about living life, indulging in its greatest joys and making a positive impact on the world around you.
Education and Experience
- NASM Certified Personal Trainer
- AAHFRP Medical Exercise Specialist
- 10 Years in the Fitness Industry
- Speaker for many organizations including: LivingWell at the Washington Hilton (WTS International), Walmart, Station House (Roseland Properties), Bourne 2 Fly, Color the Crag and Wild Diversity