Holidays Apart: Celebrating with Loved Ones

As the holidays approach, you may be feeling stressed about the thought of traditions changing amidst limitations in travel, gatherings and the unknowns of the future. This talk will focus on incorporating virtual celebrations into your holiday plans, how to shift your mindset to stay more positive and ways to manage typical and new holiday stressors. Mindfulness and cognitive behavioral exercises will be offered, and can be lengthened and tailored to specific audiences as desired.

Attendees will Learn

-Ideas for planning a fun virtual holiday celebration
-How to stay optimistic amidst changes in traditions
-Ways to manage new holiday stressors in the time of COVID

About this Speaker

Erin is a licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker (LICSW) with over ten years of experience working with children and families. She received her Master of Social Work degree at Salem State University in 2012. She has over 5 years experience working as an intensive in-home family therapist helping to support children with significant mental health challenges and currently maintains her own private therapy practice working with children and families. Erin is also a registered yoga teacher that specializes in treating trauma, anxiety and depression with yoga poses and mindfulness practices.

Education and Experience

  • Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker
  • Master of Social Work degree
  • Private therapy practice
  • Registered Yoga teacher


I received very positive feedback following our session with Erin from employees with and without children. Thank you so much for the recommendation!

Speaker Topic:
Financial Wellness
Mental Health
Celebrity or Keynote
Working From Home
Humorous, Funny
Other Critera:
Available as Webinar
Recording is OK
Available as In-Person Event
Available Nationwide
Willing to Travel
Offered in Spanish
Offered in other languages
For Call Centers
Especially for Men
Especially for Women
HRA/VEBA eligible
For 3rd Shift
For Retreats
Duration of event (in hour increments): 1 Hour
Equipment buyer needs to provide: NA
Equipment provided by vendor: N/A
Post event tools included: NA
Includes pre-event consultation: Yes